
Eight IWMS Mistakes That Will Get You Fired

Bas ten Hove / September 10, 2021 / 2 minutes read

If you are unhappy in your current position, your organization is about to purchase an Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS), and you want to get fired…, you must absolutely continue reading.

In this post I will provide you with some very useful, practical advice that will surely get you fired. I promise. Particularly, combinations of the tips below will maximize your chances of getting fired.

1. Most expensive instead of most added value

Buying an IWMS is similar to buying wine. The most expensive wine is always the best. If you buy the most expensive IWMS, you buy the best. It really doesn’t matter that most people actually don’t like it.

2.  IT driven instead of business driven

Most organizations have IT-policies and those are leading. Period. Your IT department is very skilled in assessing business requirements. If the application doesn’t fit into the IT landscape, you need to select one that does.

3. Consulting stakeholders delays the project

Don’t consult stakeholders as their requirements only cause delays. It’s better to just start and consult them when the project has already begun. They are then forced to cooperate which guarantees a good end result.

4. Customize the system exactly to your needs

It’s important to customize the system exactly to your needs. Even though this requires an immense investment in consulting services, your requirements need to be met. All of them. Those requirements ensure vendor dependency, upgrading problems, and inflexibility, but that really isn’t your problem.

5. Buy everything upfront

Don’t pilot. Again, this will only delay your project. It’s just better to own the software before you begin testing it. If you want to test thoroughly, you need to have it all.

6. Introducing everything at once

A big-bang introduction is always better than a phased approach. In this way, people are forced to use the IWMS which ensures overall commitment. Over time they are going to like it. The best approach is to send an instruction email on Friday afternoon. On Monday they will know exactly what to do.

7. Don’t measure anything until the project is finished

First you need to focus on getting the project implemented as fast as you can. Time and budget are both limited, and therefore it’s imperative to not lose focus on trivial things such as analysis. There is more than enough time after the project to evaluate. By the way, a due diligence is the worst time-waster of all. Companies offering IWMS solutions are always financially healthy.

8. Live in the present

All that Jibba-Jabba about future technology really is totally useless. You live in the present which is far more important. Web-based, Web 2.0 and .Net technology is something for geeks and gamers. Not for business professionals such as yourself. Your organization is fine the way it is, and isn’t likely to change anytime soon. Mergers and acquisitions is solely the domain of Fortune 500 companies with too much money. So why should you be ready for these changes?

Tip: if you don’t want to get fired,
please try to avoid these mistakes!

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